Friday, October 31, 2008
The 'Perception of 1ncrease' Gets You More Clients
Too many solo-entrepreneurs, especially women, tend to downplay their successes. They either don't stop long enough to see how much they've actually accomplished, or they're too shy to share with others how well things are going, for fear of bragging. And yes, bragging is annoying because it's usually done with the purpose of making others feel inferior. This is NOT what I'm talking about today. We're talking about sharing successes and inspiring others through our own example.
You see, deep down, your clients and prospects WANT you to do well. They want to trust that you know what you're doing and that you're successful at it. If not, they may feel like your "guinea pig", become worried that you may have lost your touch and that perhaps they should go look to someone else for expert advice. Here's what I mean: If you drive up to a client's house in a beat up, dented, jalopy of a car, their perception of you will be quite different from driving up in a clean luxury car. It's part of the Perception of 1ncrease.
Chapter 14 in Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich addresses this. Here are some excerpts from that chapter:
"And in so far as your business consists in dealing with other [people], whether personally or by letter, the key-thought of all your efforts must be to convey to their minds the impression of 1ncrease. 1ncrease is what all men and all women are seeking; it is the urge of the Formless Intelligence within them, seeking fuller expression. The desire for 1ncrease is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for 1ncrease; people are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure-- 1ncrease in something, more life...
The normal desire for 1ncreased wea-lth is not an evil or a reprehensible thing; it is simply the desire for more abundant life; it is aspiration. And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men and women are attracted to [the person] who can give them more of the means of life... Be sure of this, and convey assurance of the fact to every man, woman, and child with whom you come in contact...
Convey the impression of advancement with everything you do, so that all people shall receive the impression that you are an Advancing [Person], and that you advance all who deal with you. Even to the people whom you meet in a social way, without any thought of business, and to whom you do not try to sell anything, give the thought of 1ncrease...
Feel that you are getting rich, and that in so doing you are making others rich, and conferring benefits on all. Do not boast or brag of your success, or talk about it unnecessarily; true faith is never boastful. Wherever you find a boastful person, you find one who is secretly doubtful and afraid. Simply feel the faith, and let it work out in every transaction; let every act and tone and look express the quiet assurance that you are getting rich; that you are already rich. Words will not be necessary to communicate this feeling to others; they will feel the sense of 1ncrease when in your presence, and will be attracted to you again.
You must so impress others that they will feel that in associating with you they will get 1ncrease for themselves. See that you give them a use value greater than the cash value you are taking from them.
Take an honest pride in doing this, and let everybody know it; and you will have no lack of customers. People will go where they are given 1ncrease; and the Supreme, which desires 1ncrease in all, and which knows all, will move toward you men and women who have never heard of you. Your business will 1ncrease rapidly, and you will be surprised at the unexpected benefits which will come to you..."
Perception of 1ncrease doesn't have to be all about mo-ney. It can be about having the means for more self-care, for more time to spend with your children, for the richness of your life. The key is that you MUST be subtle in your perception of 1ncrease. Remember, we're only talking about doing AUTHENTIC marketing here. Nothing else. Dropping hints in a Warm Update Letter, in your ezine, in your blog or Facebook updates. There are so many ways that you can do it authentically.
This is not about saying, "Nah, nana, nana, nah!" and sticking out your tongue at your prospects. It's about showing them what IS possible for them too, if they use your products, techniques, services or by simply being in your presence. It's about walking your talk, about being authentic in your message. There should be no mismatch in the perception. And for our types of businesses, the way we live our lives is just as important to our prospects as the way we run our business.
Clients want to trust that, if you've done it yourself, you can do it for them too. If you haven't done it yourself, then they're more apt to be hesitant about working with you. So, the key is to subtly talk about 1ncrease in your business, in your life, and also, in your client's lives. It's about weaving it in GENTLY into the conversation, being a verbal conversation, or your website, social media, etc.
I can't tell you how many times I hear something like, "Fabienne, when I 'grow up', I want to have your life." It's super flattering and humbling, and I get exactly what they're saying. The message that I share about who I am and in my marketing is that, yes, mo-ney is important, and so is family, a lot of downtime, doing things you love, having meaningful work, connecting to your faith, creating yummy life experiences and living life like you mean it. THAT for me is richness and so I share what I'm doing to INSPIRE others to do the same in their own lives, while fostering the Perception of 1ncrease.
What about you? How are you sharing your "1ncreases" with your prospects and clients? Have you given your clients and prospects the Perception of 1ncrease or the perception of flat-lining it through your life?
Begin to subtly (non-braggingly) show 1ncrease in your own life and business. A little bit here or there goes a long way. Keep it SUPER authentic (otherwise, it's a HUGE turnoff) and be sure that it's the truth (that shouldn't even be mentioned here, but just in case...) Then, start weaving it in your marketing materials. Start dropping small hints here and there about your own successes or those of your clients. You'll see people coming out of the woodwork to work with you.
I made the mistake years ago of being a little too over-the-top with this as I was learning my way around it, and I went a bit overboard (oops). It's important to remember to err on the side of too little, rather than too much, but once you get the right balance, it becomes priceless for attracting ideal clients, those who would do anything and pay relatively anything to work with you. It makes Client Attraction big-time easy. You'll see.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Prosperity Comes From Overcoming Fear (So Do Clients)
QUOTE: "Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Mo-ney will give prosperity. This is fact..." - AnonymousEven though I'm totally unplugged from what's going on in the world, by choice, stuff is still trickling in. You see, I've made a conscious choice for years not to listen to the news, read the papers or listen to talk radio. It's not just that I'm a very sensitive person and I react to negative stuff more deeply than others seem to, it's that I don't like what it does to my mindset. Somehow, I seem to focus on the bad news and then it affects everything else in my life. Some people have told me in the past years that my "unplugging" is foolish, that I'm missing out on what's going on in the world, or that I'm na?ve, thinking that if I don't hear it, it doesn't exist.
Well, in a way, that's true for me. If I don't know about it, then it can't affect me. And so, while the rest of the world seems to be spiraling in a big mess of fear, worry and doubt, I'm oblivious to it, in a good way. Because my mind isn't tainted with this "stuff", I'm continuing to prosper, we continue to grow, and more abundance is flowing into my life in every area. And I wish more people would do what I do. Here's why.
You have to understand that the news media is only interested in one thing, and one thing only: Advertising do11ars (I know, I used to work in advertising.) The more people are tuned in to their show or read their publication, the higher they can charge their advertisers. And to artificially grow the numbers, the media has to do ANYTHING it can to get your attention. And FEAR is the best way to get someone's attention, and to get them to keep coming back for more, for "fear" of missing something important.
When you understand this, you get clear that there's a lot of hype out there, and it's all plugging in to what I call the "collective fear". And when you're in fear, you cannot be prosperous, no matter how much money you have. Why? Because prosperity is a state of mind. Let me say that again: When you're in fear, you cannot be prosperous. Here's something I read recently in a channeled text:
"Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Money will give prosperity. This is fact..."
Listen, I get that fear is a biggie. It's easy to get sucked in. I know a few people right now who are gripped with fear. They're holding on so tight to their mo-ney, that they're "white-knuckling" it through life. They are absolutely miserable. And you know what? They actually have plenty of mo-ney in the bank! But because they have fear, it doesn't matter. Because prosperity is a state of mind.
The key to attracting prosperity is to refuse to focus on things that cause you fear, and to eliminate fear from your life. Now, some clients say to me, "Fabienne, how can I *not* focus on fear? There is evidence all around me that things aren't going well." My answer to them is that you can CHOOSE not to struggle.
Look all around you. Nature doesn't struggle. A blade of grass doesn't struggle to grow. It just does. Instead of focusing on all the things that appear to be "going downhill", shift your focus. Look at everything around you that IS going well. There's a way that we, as humans, tend to focus on the 2% that's NOT going well, as opposed to the 98% that IS going well in our lives. What are YOU focusing on?
The best way that I've found to get out of fear these days is to focus on the present moment. If I'm in a bad mood or noticing that the collective fear is leaking into my world, I stop everything and I tap into the present moment. However simple this may seem to you, it's actually miraculous. I throw on a scarf, go down to the beach and take a walk along the water. I put my attention on the subtle scent of the sea air, I listen to the seagulls, I watch my footsteps in the sand. I stay totally present. Why?
Because you CANNOT be in fear AND in the present moment at the same time. It's impossible. When you are in the present moment, you are in direct connection to Spirit or God or the Universe, whatever you choose to call it. And that is your direct pipeline to love. And love and fear cannot coexist. It's a universal law.
What does this have to do with Client Attraction? EVERYTHING. Here's why: If you're gripped with fear, sitting at your desk, wondering where the clients are or why people are leaving, you are feeding yourself with this collective fear. That stops you from marketing and the energy that you DO put into your marketing when you actually do it is a negative energy. Which brings more of the lack into your life, which then repels prosperity.
Instead, focus on what's going well. Be in gratitude for what you DO have. Take a break from work, walk away from your desk, tickle your kids, go walk the dog, focus on the air outside, whatever it takes to just take your focus OFF of the fear. When you do that, you will watch the fear literally disintegrate right in front of your eyes. Then, when you go back to work on your marketing, you'll find yourself coming from a totally different perspective. Instead of coming from "lack", you'll be coming from "attraction". And that's when the clients come in. That's when the mo-ney pours in.
Your Assignment:
Take special notice of when you get sucked in to the collective fear. Put yourself in a place of being unplugged from it. Stop watching the news, stop reading the papers, and change the conversation when your friends and neighbors begin talking about things having to do with lack. Shift your focus to what IS abundant in your life.
1) Appreciation and Gratitude
List at least 10 things/people you are grateful for in your life right now:
2) Choose one item/person and describe "why" you are grateful for this. Describe how it makes you feel:
3) Acknowledge your successes
List at least 5 successes you enjoyed yesterday. These can be very little (like making your bed) to very significant (like getting a new client)
Do this every day. Then, once you're in a place of feeling abundant again, it's time to get back to marketing. Remember, you've got to take ACTION too. You can't just sit on your sofa and wish for new clients. You've got to implement authentic, compelling and consistent marketing that will have people REACH OUT to you, credit card in hand, wanting to work with you.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Authentic Marketing (And Success) Require You to Look Within
Knowing that the "inner" is directly reflected in the "outer," it's especially so for those working solo. If there's turmoil or disconnection within you as a person, it will be reflected in your business. If there's purpose, acceptance, and alignment, things come to you without struggle.
For me personally, this past year has been a year of reflection and re-gearing for the next level of my business, almost an incubation phase. I've come to the realization that I needed to stop listening to so many OTHER people's opinions of the next journey for my business and needed to look inside. And that included seeing what's authentic, what my purpose is, and what I'm here to do with my clients. It's been about healing the past GUNK that's often stopped me and about strengthening WHO I am as a person, to then best fulfill what I'm here to do (and create an even more delicious business doing it).
Years ago, I thought that attracting clients was 100% about fancy marketing. I was wrong. The longer I am in business and the longer I work on my own spiritual and personal growth, the more I've gotten clear that attracting clients and having the business of your dreams is actually more a 3-slice pie. Sure, Marketing is one of those slices, and a very important one (hey, you've got to take ACTION to attract clients. No excuses).
But, the other two slices of the pie are not always talked about openly. Honestly, I haven't always talked about them in public either, for fear of sounding a little too "Woo Woo", if you know what I mean. Most times I would just hint at them, hoping people would read between the lines and get the point. However, I'd be cheating you if I didn't tell you more about those two other slices to Client Attraction success, because they're so important.
If marketing is one slice of the pie, Manifesting is another. And by manifesting, I mean the Law of Attraction, what you focus on with great feeling, you attract into your existence. At its most basic, here's how it can be described: If you're continually focusing on having a full practice of yummy clients who pay you what you're worth, then you will start to attract that. If you're focusing rather on the LACK of clients and you're ticked off that people aren't paying you what you're worth, then you will attract that also (meaning, not having those clients or not making enough). Simple, yet very powerful.
But, the other slice of the pie that rarely gets airtime is the Personal Growth slice: Clearing out the cobwebs. I'm talking about not worrying what people think as much and being willing to look within to either heal or change the things about you that stop you from being the successful person you were meant to be. It's about being authentic and taking a really hard look at all the baggage and the unfounded fears you've carried around since childhood (trust me, I have them too) and doing something about it.
So, what are we searching for when we go within?
Fears, limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and other unresolved stuff like shame and resentments. The reason it's so important to look within is that if that stuff is still lingering in your system, you have a more difficult time "manifesting" what you say you want. The fears and other unresolved stuff get in the way of you attracting what you wish for and essentially negate and cancel your wishes. OUCH.
Now, I am not saying you have to run out and see a shrink. That hasn't been the fastest path to growth for me personally. Rather, it's about being honest with yourself, really honest, about who you are. And getting to KNOW who you are. Calling out your fears, putting them down on paper. It's about writing down the things you say to yourself that stop you in your tracks. The more you get clear on this stuff, the more direct your impact on Client Attraction and having the business you really, really want.
It's about being authentic with yourself, in life, in business, and in your marketing. The more authentic you are in your marketing, the more Client Attractive you become. Whether you call it Spiritual Marketing or Authentic Marketing, it's super important, because if you don't do anything about it, you'll continue to get the same results you're getting now. Now for some, that's fine, but I'll bet that you're not willing to be living the exact same life 30 years from now, let alone 5 years from now. You probably want an even better situation and you want your wishes granted sooner than later.
Now, you could choose not to do anything about it and choose not to look inside. That's what I did for a long time. I was really good at avoidance and denial. But what I've found happens if you ignore the "growth" slice is that you keep struggling on some levels, wondering why things you want aren't coming to you faster. It can all seem to be an uphill battle and it can become really frustrating, making you want to throw in the towel and give up your business.
Well, when I started doing personal growth and becoming more authentic many years ago, the struggle started fading away and EASE started showing up. And the more I look at my long-ingrained fears and work on the other gunk that's previously slowed the next level of success I've imagined, the more that success shows up for me.
It's a process I continue ruthlessly, and help my clients with as well. Yeah, we talk about SERIOUS marketing, but this stuff too, because it all works. And it certainly pays off, in more ways than one. Sure, lots of clients and greater 1ncome are the payoffs, but you also get freedom, joy, and ease as a byproduct. That's the real payday, if you ask me.
Your Assignment:
Begin by making the decision to look within and be honest about what you find. If you resist it, it will persist. Make a list of the fears and limiting beliefs, the old junk you've avoided or that keeps coming up and clogging the pipeline to the success you so dearly want. Be willing to take the same no-excuses approach we talk about with Client Attraction Marketing, and apply it to this as well. It takes a little courage at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. I know you can do it and the results will astound you. I promise.
Friday, October 10, 2008
It ALL Has To Match If You Want To Create The Ideal Business
You might be wondering, "What is going on? What am I doing wrong?? I'm busting my chops, working like a dog, and yet my 1ncome is still NOT what I want it to be... in fact, not even close." On the outside, everyone probably thinks you have a great business, but YOU know what's really going on, especially financially. I actually hear this a lot. As I am working with higher level clients (people who have plenty of clients but not the business or 1ncome they really want to be making) I'm noticing that the marketing is only half the problem.
What's usually happening is two things are getting in the way. Yes, the marketing needs to be tweaked or reworked. Usually, the target audience needs to be narrowed down or changed to a higher level client, and then inevitably, the marketing message needs to become clearer and more compelling. So, we work on that.
But most of the time, it's something MUCH more drastic and destructive. It's what's going on INTERNALLY that's botching your results: THE MINDSET. And I've come to realize that if the INSIDE is not matched to the OUTSIDE, then you won't get the results you want. Period. Here's what I mean:
- There's the OUTER game of Client Attraction: the marketing and the action and the behaviors.
- Then, there's the INNER game of Client Attraction: your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
But here's the kicker: we ALSO look at the stuff under the surface too. When we probe deeper, we realize that one or more things aren't in alignment with her big goal she says she wants:
- The Thought: "I WANT TO MAKE $500,000 this year."
- The Action: SUBTLE SELF-SABOTAGE BEGINS TO HAPPEN, because deep down, Susan wants freedom and ease more than she wants the money. She may not think that consciously, but it's very real on a subconscious level. And that translates into Susan not doing what it takes, not taking the actions or exhibiting the no-excuses behavior that would create a business that brings her that much mo-ney per year.
Essentially, what's happening with Susan is that she's driving with the brake on, and going nowhere fast. So, she steps on the gas pedal even more, but still not getting any results. It's destructive, but most importantly, after a while, there's going to be a shortage of gas and then the whole car will stop moving. She thinks she just wasn't meant to be in business and packs it up to go back to working for someone else, feeling like a big failure and taking a blow to her self-esteem. For Susan to create the 1ncome she wants, all 3 need to match and be congruent.
The Thought must match the Feeling/Belief must match the Action and Behavior. If not, you'll keep struggling, not knowing why it's all so difficult.
It's an insidious game and the worst part of it is, you usually don't know this is going on! Worse, you may not be able to recognize the underlying limiting beliefs, fears and self-doubt that stops your behavior. The solution? Getting really clear on where you're not being congruent.
This is BY FAR, my most effective thing to work on with a client or workshop participant. Why? Because when you change someone's inner states (the INNER game of Client Attraction) you begin to immediately see an increase in their business and in their 1ncome. Quantum Leaps begin to happen and it's as if the vice-grip that's been holding back the success of your business is FINALLY RELEASED. And there's just so much more ease and flow (and financial abundance pours in).
I've seen it time and time again with my clients and Mastermind members. When we clear the GUNK, the mo-ney follows. I know from experience, because it happened to me. In fact, it keeps happening, over and over again. The more I work on my INNER game, the more I make. And it all becomes easier: I work less and make mo-re. That's when you know you're becoming more congruent.
Your Assignment:
If you're feeling like you're working really hard but not seeing RESULTS (either in your number of clients or in your re-venues) then it's time to look at your INNER game of Client Attraction: your mindset. Notice the relationship between your thoughts about your goal, your feelings about achieving your goal and the actions you're taking to reach that goal.
Are they congruent? Are they aligned? If not, then you're going nowhere fast. Not until you get yourself a mindset breakthrough. That's when the marketing breakthrough happens, which results in an 1ncome breakthrough. Once you create those breakthroughs, your business and your life will NEVER be the same. I guarantee it.
Friday, October 3, 2008
The ONE Self-Sabotaging Thing You Do Every Day That Keeps You From Making 7-Figures In Your Business
I've been hearing this one question a lot recently: "Fabienne, what did you actually DO to multiply your 1ncome so quickly? How did you get to a million and can I do it too?" Well, the answer is "Yes, you can do it too" and it's important to realize that it comes down to several different things: Authentic and compelling marketing, systems for everything, a team, different sources of income, leverage, etc.
But, believe it or not, those are actually the easy part, because you can be shown exactly how to do this (I show you how in my Workshop-in-a-box). The difficult part is actually a two step process, two steps that seem very simple on the outside, but that few people actually DO anything about. In fact, this is so deceptively simple that most people ignore its importance and look for something way more complex. But it comes down to:
- Making a decision
- Doing what it takes
Believe it or not, that's where most people fail in this process. They throw out a lofty goal, but when it comes to actually DOING what it takes, they let their mindset and their fears get in the way. The ideas and opportunities to reach that big goal are right there, smack in front of them, but they don't take action on them. I saw this happen recently with a client. She asked me, "Fabienne, I set this huge goal for myself, and the year's almost over, but I'm not even halfway to reaching it. What happened? What am I doing wrong?"
The answer I gave her was that, despite the lofty goal, her BEHAVIOR hadn't changed very much. Despite progress in other areas, she kept stopping herself, and kept doing the same things, worrying about the same things (not knowing the how, not enough mo-ney, not enough time, you know the drill...)
We'd given her all the different ways to make her goal happen quickly and two-fold, but she never implemented the ideas. The HOW was right in front of her, but she got in her own way, and essentially sabotaged her potential 1ncome by not taking action on the idea. And that's one thing that I've gotten really clear about recently. The "how" is always right there, right under your nose, ready for the picking.
In fact, there was a time in my own business, not too long ago, where I could never have imagined making this much in one year. But the opportunities to do so were already there. In fact, one idea that I'm implementing right now was an idea I had 4 years ago. 4 years ago!!! And that idea was one that would have brought in a ton of mo-ney back then. Sure, I researched it, did a little bit of due diligence, even asked my ezine subscribers if they had resources and got tons of them. I went as far as investing in the resources I needed to take advantage of that opportunity.
Then, guess what happened?
Nothing, nada, zip. I never did ANYTHING about it. I let the opportunity get stale and covered with dust, and it's because of several different obstacles:
- My excuse of not having enough time to implement it
- My fear of failure
- Essentially, my belief that I wasn't "good enough" or "big enough" to succeed with it
Here's the thing: you must realize that the ideas that are given to you are not just silly ideas. They are divinely brought to you. My mentor always says, "If you are given an idea, then too you are given the way to achieve it. You wouldn't be able to have the idea without also receiving the 'way' to accomplish it too. It's universal law." And that's really important for you to remember.
Until you are ready to see what's already right under your nose, without discounting it as "not feasible", you aren't going to grow. Remember that the idea you got in the shower, or the idea your mastermind members brainstormed with you didn't actually come from them or you. It was divinely given THROUGH them.
And you are given ideas like these ALL THE TIME! It is the Universe's way of guiding you on a daily basis, literally pulling you by the hand and pointing you in the direction that will help you accomplish your dreams, but the question is... are you listening? Are you going to do something about it? If you're not where you want to be financially in your business, one of the major reasons is your non-action. If you're still at the same place you were before, it's because you're unwilling to take advantage of the opportunity that is right in front of you, and has been for a long time.
And I know you're probably tired of hearing, "To get different results, you need to do things differently", but in my experience (especially this year) it is absolutely true. To get a quantum leap in your business, you must be willing to DO what you haven't done before, to be courageous, to walk into the opportunity and even to walk into the fear you have associated with it.
And please don't let the simplicity of what I'm telling you undermine the importance of the message. This 'arrogance' of thinking, "Oh, I already know that!" is another form of self-sabotage and it's keeping you from making a whole lot more in your business. Here's an example: Someone told me last week that some of this is "basic" stuff. That they already knew this.
Frankly, I felt bad for this person. I almost wanted to say, "OK then, if you already "know" this, what's YOUR 1ncome this year?" You see, your 1ncome will be your gauge to see how much you "know" this stuff. If it's not where you want it to be, then you don't "know" it yet, you've just heard of it. In fact, you don't "know" anything until you live it, breathe it and take action on it day in and day out. Makes sense?
Your Assignment:
Get clear on the opportunities that are right under your nose. Take a sheet of paper and at the top, write down your big goal. Don't be shy, no one's watching. In big, bold letters, write what you want in your business. Then, either knowing (or pretending) that you could not fail, list all the opportunities that you already have right in front of you to make those happen. I know they're there. I can always spot them for people and that's the power of a mastermind. Having people see the opportunities that are right in front of them. But list them all. And then begin to take action on each and every one of them with courage and fearlessness. Your 1ncome will never be the same.
All that said, I urge you NOT to forget the authentic and compelling marketing, systems for everything, a team, different sources of income, leverage, etc. When you market authentically and consistently, using ONLY what works, your goals become big-time easy. When you set up systems for everything in your business and a team to support you, you have more time to devote to implementing the big opportunities. When you set up additional sources of 1ncome, both passive and leveraged, you make a whole lot more, working half the time.
Not sure where to start with all of this? The solution is The Client Attraction Workshop-in-a-Box. It avoids all the extraneous stuff that could distract your growth and instead gives you the most important things to do to make twice as much, working half the time. It's my own process, the one I've shared with my top-level clients and you'll be blown away by how precise and generous I am with the "how". Every resource is laid out. The closing the sale script, the way to make passive 1ncome easily, everything. It's all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one, and when you're done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools are handed to you on a silver platter. Just look at the success stories and get your own copy at
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Figure out Why You're REALLY in Business and Client Attraction Becomes Big-time Easy
For years, I'd wondered what my life purpose was, what my calling was, especially in business. I've always known that I was good at marketing, but I also knew I was here for something bigger than I could dream, yet I couldn't figure out what that was. I'll admit I had a sometimes painful upbringing and early adulthood, and I always wondered WHY this was all happening to me. If there's supposed to be a reason for everything, then what was the reason I experienced so many deeply trying times? What was I supposed to do with all of it? I just couldn't figure it out.
In the last few years, I've made it a habit to TiVo Oprah on a daily basis and am familiar with her saying, "Use your life." Countless times, I've heard her inspire her viewers to look for the meaning in something that's happened to them, and then ask them to turn around and do something useful with it. The concept seems to be: Don't necessarily wallow in what's happened to you.
Instead, use the experience and the learning to help others, to make a difference, to create change. THAT is your life purpose. THAT is your calling, and it's super important for businesses like ours because we can affect people and businesses so directly.
Since then, I've realized why all that happened to me and why I'm here. From my experiences, I learned to overcome my once very low self-esteem, as well as the negative beliefs and playing small, to have more confidence and to really go for what I want in life. I also learned about having compassion for others (including my clients), to know that we all have painful experiences that shape who we are today; we all have fears and things holding us back, but these don't need to continue to hold us back.
At the same time, we all have massive potential for success, and to make a difference, especially being self-employed. It's just a question of getting out of our own way and then getting out there in a BIG way.
Using Client Attraction, I use my 'calling' on a daily basis with my clients. Yes, early on and for the majority of the time, we focused heavily on the marketing. (Listen, if you're sitting on the sofa WAITING for clients day after day, you're not going to make a big difference in this world.) You were given a gift, so you need to get out there to tell people about it and start helping people get results. Therefore, the marketing is absolutely crucial.
But once the marketing systems are in place, the 'calling' piece of it extends also to the other stuff that most entrepreneurs never put their attention to: increasing their confidence, getting out of their own way and into their true potential success (it's already IN them, they just haven't accessed it fully up to now). Especially women.
That might mean noticing how they get stopped by a chronic conditioning of playing too small, limiting thoughts, not deserving, subtle self-sabotaging behaviors, and fears that may or may not really exist, but are DEFINITELY getting in the way. In addition to the marketing, that's where I can make a massive difference in someone's business success and in his or her life. I'm a marketing junkie, but that's the juicy stuff for me. Best of all, it works and clients love the outcome.
When you're coming from your 'calling,' clients get better results, give you amazing testimonials, and more referrals. You begin to make a more substantial difference and that automatically translates to more success, more in-come, and all that stuff.
Wondering how to tap into your own calling? Here's what I learned about finding mine:
- When you're NOT aligned with your life purpose, life is more of a struggle.
- Hardship is actually good. It's a sign from the Universe that you're not necessarily on the right track. See hardship as a blessing and a clue.
It's not about necessarily CHANGING your business (I'm still doing Client Attraction and marketing, at least for now); it's a clue that you may need to change your direction a tiny bit or tweak it just slightly.
Your Assignment:
Find a way to weave your 'calling' into your work. Ask yourself these questions for clues on finding yours:
- What section of the bookstore do you hang around in the most?
- Look around you for signs about your purpose. They're everywhere if you look for them. Little happy coincidences aren't coincidences at all. They're ALL signs.
- If you act upon the signs and take inspired action, you'll expedite your journey to living your purpose.
- Find what comes easily to you, what helps others AND makes you feel good at the same time. If something brings you joy (like, for me, teaching and inspiring entrepreneurs to get out of their own way, play BIGGER and live a rich life) then it's something to pursue.
Once you've found it, start weaving it little by little into your every day work with clients, or start doing it a little at a time. Instead of doing a complete 180, test out the waters. Look for how you FEEL. Look for the subtle feedback. Then add a little more, so that it feels authentic to you. As you keep going, add even a little more of it until it feels really good and you'll notice a difference in your clients' results and how they relate to you. Start weaving it in your talks, your teleclasses, your networking, and your articles. Over time, when it feels right, you can start adding it permanently to your marketing materials. That's what I've done.
Your calling is to help others AND to feel good doing it. Once you find it, throw yourself into it. Success, clients, and increased revenues will naturally come to you when you do. You won't believe you get paid to live it. I'm still pinching myself.
All that said, I urge you NOT to forget the marketing. When you market authentically, Client Attraction becomes big-time easy. Not sure where to start? Try the step-by-step system that will feel easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ avoids all the extraneous stuff that could distract your growth and instead gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It's all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you're done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. So easy. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. You can get it at
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System™ and, the proven step-by-step program to attract more clients, make more m’oney being self-employed, while having more time off to enjoy it all. To receive your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and get weekly how-to articles on attracting more clients, visit
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Your Mental Attitude Dictates Your Number of Clients AND In-come
You may be working your tail off to market your business and yet you're still wondering why it hasn't "happened" yet. I've seen this happen thousands of times. An entrepreneur is seemingly working HARD to get clients, working like a dog to bring in some good in-come and yet, the results just aren't showing up. It's like fighting an uphill battle and often seems like it's not really worth it, or worse, like something's wrong with us.
But the real battle that's going on isn't with the marketing, it's that something's wrong on the INSIDE. If there's a struggle on the OUTSIDE, it simply means that one exists on the INSIDE, and it's based on our conditioning. You see, how we are conditioned affects virtually every aspect of our life: our relationships, health, finances, success, even Client Attraction.
If you're experiencing struggle or results aren't happening fast enough, it just means there's an inner conflict that affects how you think and feel, as well as your beliefs and fears. It's the battle between your conscious and your unconscious.
"When your conscious mind thinks you want something but your subconscious mind thinks you don't deserve it (or any other limiting belief), you will fail at getting what you want. Instead you will actually attract what your subconscious feels is right for you. In order to attract what you prefer, your conscious and subconscious have to be in agreement." - Joe Vitale
If there's an exterior struggle, like clients not coming in fast enough or the fact that money is REALLY tight, then it means that PART of you wants something (your conscious) and PART of you doesn't (your subconscious). The bad news is, your subconscious has veto power over your conscious, always.
The GOOD news is, once you clear the interior struggle, the results you want happen almost instantly. That's what's happened to me in the past year or two and continues to happen. The more I match the inside with what I "say" I want, the more opportunities come my way, the more in-come shows up and the easier it all is. And I mean really easy. (And before you start going "there", just remember that I'm no different than you. Once you work on your own Inner Game of Client Attraction, you too can experience the same results. That's what we'll do together in Miami in September at my 'Mindset and Income Acceleration Retreat'.)
It's not about working harder! If you want different results, you must change your subconscious beliefs and get clear on the fears that are not congruent with what you SAY you want. Here's a few of the hundreds that I've come up with, based on a survey I did:
- "They won't pay for this"
- "I don't know enough"
- "If I get bigger, they'll find out I'm a fraud"
- "I'm a failure"
- "If I get too many clients, I'll get overwhelmed"
- "I'm not worth it"
- "I can't have it all"
- "My expertise is common sense"
- Etc.
If this is what's going on in your subconscious, you're essentially driving with the parking brake on, and we've got to do something about that if you want to begin seeing different results. Otherwise, you'll continue to push really hard, work REALLY hard and not see the results you say you want.
Your Assignment:
If you want to succeed, get rid of this GUNK and SLUDGE inside. The key is to become AWARE of which fears and subconscious beliefs are sabotaging you on a daily basis, like some of the ones listed above. Once you're clear on them, figure out where they came from, process them and then release them. This will immediately change your behaviors, increase your in-come and new opportunities will start showing up, ones that you never expected. You'll wonder why you struggled for so long.
Now, if the struggle is just about a lack of ACTION and you don't know how to set up systems for marketing to attract ideal high-paying clients, I suggest getting a copy of the Client Attraction Home Study System™. It includes everything you need to know to prioritize what to work on first, clear the decks and set up simple, solid systems to consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It's all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you're done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. That's why my customers have gotten such great results from it. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. So easy. You can get yours at
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System™ and, the proven step-by-step program to attract more clients, make more m’oney being self-employed, while having more time off to enjoy it all. To receive your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and get weekly how-to articles on attracting more clients, visit
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Stop Planning, Forget The "How", Just Go For It!
But then, if this weren't enough, there's yet another thing that is likely to stop a lot of people right in their tracks. And that's trying to figure out the "how".
"How will I ever get from here to THERE?""But I don't HAVE the resources (the funds, time, help) to make that big dream happen.""I'm not qualified right now to take on this big dream. I just don't have what it takes yet.""Once I know HOW I'm supposed to do this, I'll do it. Until then, I'll just wait to be ready."
Problem is, this is EXACTLY the point at which most people give up, probably even YOU. Right there. You see, most people wait for the HOW before they make a commitment to accomplish their big goal. Being the good planner that you probably are, there's a part of you that feels this is too risky of a project or a goal to take on without having a plan, a solid plan, without knowing exactly how it's going to unfold.
You may have a dream of being on Oprah, for example, to share the message only YOU can share, and to give exposure to your book or business. You love the idea of it, you imagine yourself on her yellow leather sofa, talking to her and her live studio audience. You may even be able to feel the warmth of the studio lamps and the nervous feeling you would have in the pit of your stomach. Perhaps what you'll be wearing and what she'll say to you. Your imagination is strong about what it would actually BE like once you're there. And it feels great.
But then it all stops. Your imagination shuts down once you try to think about HOW you'll ever get to the Oprah show, or whatever else your big dreams are. Here are things I've heard:
"I don't have enough media training. They'll never pick me.""Everyone and their MOTHER wants to be on Oprah. There's too much competition.""Explain to me how it would ever happen and THEN I'll think about going for it.""Is there a guarantee this will even work? Probably not worth trying if I don't have a plan"
Now, if you've seen my Mind Movie on my Facebook page, you know that I have BIG dreams. Writing best-selling books, doing workshops to thousands of people, affecting millions, and having a global effect on helping women and children around the world, and yes, one day, even taking my message to Oprah's stage and sharing it with 10 million people.
I'm hearing it now... "Stop dreaming and GET REAL!"
And admittedly, some these things ARE "lofty". In fact, I would categorize as downright "scary big". Especially since I don't have a clue yet as to how I will write ONE best-selling book, let alone many, how to get thousands of people to come hear me speak, how I'll help on a global level (where, whom, what will I be helping them with???). And I certainly don't have a clue about how to get on Oprah's couch.
But I've decided to go for it anyway, because here's "what I know for sure". If you've got the commitment to do something, the intention is strong and you're willing to do anything it takes to get there, in a good way/not bad, then things WILL unfold before you, like a red carpet being unrolled in Hollywood. You just need to take the first step, accomplish the task that's right in front of you, and then the next task will show up for you to work on. Once you've done that one, just the right opportunity will land on your lap, followed by the right resource to take full advantage of that opportunity or to accomplish the task at hand.
But because we're bred to be planners (or in my case, sometimes a bit of a control freak - have you ever seen me in the kitchen right before a dinner party??), we want to have the WHOLE thing planned out first, in every descriptive detail. It's got to be all laid out and orchestrated ahead of time, in perfect order. Otherwise, we don't make the commitment.
Thing is, that's not how the Universe or life works. Your next step or the next opportunity will NOT show up until you've made the commitment. But once you DO, it shows up, and the more you do this, the faster things start showing up for you: the right operations manager, the perfect branding development coach, the spiritual guide with just the right message (even the bottle cap with just the confirmation you've been asking for) or simply, just the right book to get you to that next level.
That's what is happening to me right NOW. It's fascinating to be in the eye of the storm, calm (most of the time) and witnessing everything around me show up as it's supposed to, having everything around me rearrange itself to make that big dream come true. In fact, it's pretty humbling. It's almost as though my intention and commitment to getting this big dream accomplished has taken a life of its own, in a really good way. And now, it's just about taking the next step that presents itself, without thinking of the next HOW. In fact, it's a very reassuring process, once you begin to see the pattern.
Your Assignment:
Notice your mindset as it relates to your big dreams and goals for your business or your life. Is there a way that you might be stopping yourself or putting a hold on your big dreams because you haven't yet figured out HOW it's going to happen? Is the planner in you squashing the dreamer in you?
Instead, I'd recommend you gather your strength, deny your "smallness" and grab hold of the truth of yourself: that you CAN accomplish that big dream, that it's not a silly notion. Just the mere fact that you've thought of it means it can be done. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten the idea. Forgot the how! Just go for it. Each "how" and the resource needed at that time will show up exactly when you need it.
And I'm here for you to make it happen, with all the support you need.
If you're interested in walking this particular journey with me, come to the Mindset Retreat in a week and a half. I can't recommend this enough for you. THIS is what we'll be doing together, among many other things. Stepping up in a BIG way, upgrading our mindset, our businesses and our lives, and reaching big, despite the "noise". You have one week left to register. Are you game?
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System™ and, the proven step-by-step program to attract more clients, make more m’oney being self-employed, while having more time off to enjoy it all. To receive your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and get weekly how-to articles on attracting more clients, visit
Sunday, September 7, 2008
When Playing BIG, Old "Stuff" Will Come UP
Now... that's all well and good, but what about ALL the emotions that arise when you take a great big leap of faith and step into your purpose? No one ever prepares us for that and it can be an uncomfortable process. You see, when you decide to step into your future in a BIG way, unexpected internal stuff comes up, even stuff you thought you'd ALREADY dealt with.
I'm going through this myself right now. You see, BEFORE we make a decision to go BIG, we have to get over our fear of failing miserably. But once we've actually made the decision to play a bigger game, then it makes way for lots of other feelings to come up.
As I get ready to launch a new division of my company, along with a new branding, I was surprised to see lots of "old stuff" come up, despite all the mindset work I've done. I want to share some of it with you too, because as YOU begin to recognize your potential for magnificence in business and otherwise, and then act upon it, stuff might come up for you too (in fact, it inevitably will).
Here's a snapshot of what came up for me:
"Will they really want what I'm going to be offering?"
"Perhaps I should just keep doing what I've been doing for years. At least I know I'm
good at that."
"Maybe I shouldn't 'break what ain't broke'; I mean, I'm doing really well now, why rock
the boat?"
"What if I fail and humiliate myself in front of thousands of people. It's not worth it."
"What if they reject my new idea, my new company?"
"Can I really be THIS big?""Do I really have it within me to DO this?"
"I'm scared."
Just telling you about what came up for me these past couple of weeks makes me feel icky inside. But here's what I also observed. When you break it down, there really are only 2 emotions in the world: Love and Fear. And there are origins for each of those emotions.
Love comes from your higher self, Spirit, Universe, God (whatever you want to call it.) Love is safe, there is trust there, it's synonymous with Faith. And when you have faith, you cannot express fear. They cannot exist in the same place. And your source WANTS you to grow, to be bigger, to dare to dream an even bigger dream. In fact, Spirit is always championing you to get to the next level, if you'll just get out of the way.
Fear, on the other hand, comes from the ego. And the ego only wants to keep you small, to keep you "safe" by slowing down your progress, by stopping you, by keeping you under its thumb. This is the only way that your ego can survive, and it's by controlling you and keeping you down. Yuck.
Now, go back up to the list of things I was thinking and feeling and review them. You'll see that every one of them is based in fear. Which means that each of them is ego-driven.
But here's what you must know: fear doesn't really exist! Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. And it's a bunch of nonsense, if you're willing to look beyond the fear as just a protection mechanism to keep you small. Who wants to be bullied by some little creepy ego to stay small anyway? Not me!
So if you can recognize that what you're experiencing or feeling is NOT REAL, then it cannot have a hold on you. And that's what I recognized this week. And I chose to go for it anyway. I hope you will too.
Your Assignment:
Notice what thoughts and emotions come up as you make a commitment to walk boldly into the next step in your business and purpose for being self-employed. Make a list. Write them down. Then, as you read your list, in the margin, I'd like you to label that emotion. 1) Love, or 2) Fear. Which is it based on? I'll bet just about anything that it's based on fear.
When you recognize this, you can choose to stay in fear or recognize that you are being "played" by your ego and that it doesn't actually exist. That all this is fake. And you can choose to act in spite of what's come up for you.
Listen, let's admit that this will probably happen a lot more in the beginning. But when you see this happen over and over again, and you recognize it, the hold the ego has on you will begin to diminish considerably. (It already has with me.)
Now, imagine yourself standing at the doorway of your BIG vision and future. You've got your hand on the doorknob. You're ready to step in but you hear "voices" behind you begging you to play small and stay safe. Inside though, you know that these are all smoke and mirrors, that they're not real.
You have two options: 1) Walk through the door anyway, because you have no choice but to be your best self and stop playing a mediocre game. Or 2) Stay small because of fear, living a beige existence for the rest of your life. You choose.
Personally, I'm walking through. And I'm betting on my faith that it will turn out OK, if not WAY better than OK. The alternative is just not acceptable. What about you? What will you do? I'm hoping you walk through that door with me.
I'm here for you to make it happen, safely and with all the support you need.
If you're interested in walking this journey with me, come to the Mindset Retreat. I can't recommend this enough for you. THIS is what we'll be doing together, among many other things. Stepping up in a BIG way, upgrading our mindset, our businesses and our lives, and reaching big, despite the "noise". Are you game?
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System™ and, the proven step-by-step program to attract more clients, make more m’oney being self-employed, while having more time off to enjoy it all. To receive your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and get weekly how-to articles on attracting more clients, visit
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Go BIG or Go Home!
After sharing my personal "Video Vision Board" with my 10,000+ readers this week, I received a lot of comments and questions. One of the ones that stood out the most for me was this one:
"Hey Fabienne, just watched the You Tube video. It's awesome. I'm not sure
what it is that keeps me from living in the music of possibility. I keep holding
myself to something small like "Hoping for another client this month." And
here you are on Oprah and making videos with Bono. So cool!! What do I
need to drop in order to step in to 'YES' and let go of 'HUH?'."
An amazing question, especially since not everyone is brave enough to "go there". What I've witnessed, especially because of the extended time I've been lucky to spend with my Platinum MasterMind members this last year, is that many people have massive doubt about their ability to do something big in this world, including myself up until recently.
And because we're doubtful about our ABILITY to accomplish something BIG, we don't allow ourselves the chance to think big, for fear of failing miserably and confirming our own original thoughts. The self-doubt gets hold of us even BEFORE we begin to craft our vision. So we keep playing a mediocre game and living a mediocre life as a result (mediocre, in the sense that your life is probably 'good enough' now, but it could be SO much sweeter and richer, if you allowed yourself to play bigger.)
The solution? It's time to drop the self-doubt and live in FAITH. Most people continue to play small because of feelings of unworthiness. We've all been put down in our lives, especially in our childhood, and sometimes by the people we thought we were the safest with. And we've pushed down our big thinking and play a "beige" existence.
Enough of the beige existence. Enough mediocrity. You ARE enough. You are NOT inadequate. In fact, you are powerful beyond measure. There is nothing you cannot accomplish if you believe in yourself. There is nothing you cannot accomplish if you move past the fear of failure or the fear of really being "seen" in a big way. This is your time to shine.
You, me, Bono, Oprah... we're all just people. They still brush their teeth and have indigestion sometimes, like we do. But the difference is that they simply made the DECISION to play big one day. And then they BELIEVED. They were scared too, and they did it anyway. They too didn't know HOW they were going to fulfill their big dreams (I certainly don't know how I will reach mine, but I believe they'll happen) but they went for it anyway. That's all.
Your Assignment:
I recommend you work on your OWN big vision, starting tonight. Make a list of people you admire greatly and what they've accomplished in the world. Then, get inspired by that and create your own list of what YOU would accomplish if you could do anything. (HINT: you can.) And whenever you start thinking, "What? ME... do THIS?" then it means it's EXACTLY what you should be shooting for. All you need to do is look for the opportunities and get support to manifest your vision. That is when your life will become even sweeter and richer. :)
There's a saying I love: "If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room." I don't know who first coined this phrase, but it's recently become one of my favorites, a mantra I've adopted. Have it become yours too. I assure you that you CAN do this. Go for it! I'm here to support you.
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System™ and, the proven step-by-step program to attract more clients, make more m’oney being self-employed, while having more time off to enjoy it all. To receive your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and get weekly how-to articles on attracting more clients, visit
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Make A Decision And "The Way" Will Show Up
But when the rubber meets the road, it's a totally different story. For many, when it's time to take action, they're not WILLING to take the steps or do the work that creates the result. And they use excuses about time and mo-ney as the trap door, their escape route:
"I can't do 'x' because I don't have the mo-ney right now"
"I can't do 'y' because I've already got something planned for that day"
I see it plain as day and I see it happen EVERY day. It's the "Inner Self-Doubt" that consistently has someone question every single move they make in growing their business or their in-come.
It's that same inner self-doubt that creates the excuse that invariably comes up, either having to do with time OR mo-ney, or something along the lines of "I'm not sure this is right for MY business." And what I'm convinced about, because I've witnessed it in my own life and then in the lives of hundreds (if not thousands) of my clients, is that this inner self-doubt, questioning everything and not taking serious ACTION when the solution shows up all boil down to one thing and one thing only. And in plain english, it's called... SELF SABOTAGE.
(By the way, The same thing happens when you decide to do something and then you decide to back out at the last minute. There are people who do this again and again. It's what I call "waffling" and it's another form of self-sabotage, something that you use to keep yourself from playing a bigger game in your life.)
In all the years I've been working with solopreneurs, I have seen countless people beg for a change in their business, pray to make a lot more mo-ney, and yet, when the answer is delivered and it's right there in front of them (in whatever form it shows up) they use excuses, turn away or question whether it's right for them.
Realize that THE limitation around getting to the next level in their business is created by your own mindset. Then you can make a change in perspective, stop using excuses and "just go for it", then the results show up. Here's the process I've witnessed in myself and in my clients recently:
- They make a firm DECISION (to succeed, buy something, attend something, or whatever)
- They stop over thinking
- They quiet the inner critic and the relentless self-doubt
- They look for different ways of making it happen
- They take action, IN SPITE OF the "fear"
- They are then rewarded very handsomely.
Widening your perspective around success starts with a DECISION. Once you make a decision to succeed, it's time to commit to doing whatever it takes to make it happen.
Whatever it takes.
Instead of saying "I can't afford this", ask yourself "How *can* I afford this?
" Instead of saying "I'm already busy that day", you'll begin to find ways to move things around to make it happen. It's a SMALL shift in perception, but it is absolutely life-changing when you begin to think that way. Instead of stopping the flow, you begin to search for opportunities, for solutions. You begin to act like a detective, looking for different ways to make it happen.
And that's when it shows up.
I've often thought that, if I can't get into a house from the front door, then I'll look for the back door. And if the back door's locked, then it's time to look for an open window. And if all the windows are shut tight, then the storm door or basement door, etc. Too many people simply try the obvious way of doing something, often, by just looking at their bank account or their calendar. And then they stop there.
And you know what? There is ALWAYS a way. But only if you're willing to look for a different way. Only if you don't get stopped at the front door, thinking, "Oh well, it wasn't meant to be!"
It's about letting go of mediocrity and trusting that there IS a way to get what you want, or to do what you want to do for your business or in your life. You see, once you make the COMMITMENT to find a way to make it happen, the way to do that thing shows up. Always.
Your Assignment:
Let me ask you this...
What is it that you are wanting to do that you're stopping yourself with excuses or mo-ney or time?
Make a list. If you can be honest about it, really honest with yourself and you see yourself doing this very thing, I want to ask you this...
How BADLY do you want this thing, whatever it is? How BADLY can you taste it?
Before you say, "But wait, Fabienne. There ISN'T enough mo-ney for this in my bank account." or "Fabienne, I've already got something planned for then", notice that it's all a question of your perception. If it were a life-or-death thing, you WOULD find the mo-ney, you WOULD clear your schedule. And so it CAN be done. And if it can be done, then the excuse is no longer valid.
If you want something really badly, then you need to approach it as if it were a life-or-death situation. You need to have your ACTIONS match what you say you want. Otherwise, a year from now, 10 years from now, 30 years from now, you'll be in the same place you are now. Is that what you really want?It comes down to being WILLING to act differently. It's not just thinking differently, it's about taking bold and decisive action toward what you say you want in your business or your life. It's about saying YES to what's possible for you. Saying YES to the opportunities that are divinely given to you. And then taking action. Your business, your life, your in-come will never be the same. I promise you that.
© 2008 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System™ and, the proven step-by-step program to attract more clients, make more m’oney being self-employed, while having more time off to enjoy it all. To receive your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and get weekly how-to articles on attracting more clients, visit