You might be wondering, "What is going on? What am I doing wrong?? I'm busting my chops, working like a dog, and yet my 1ncome is still NOT what I want it to be... in fact, not even close." On the outside, everyone probably thinks you have a great business, but YOU know what's really going on, especially financially. I actually hear this a lot. As I am working with higher level clients (people who have plenty of clients but not the business or 1ncome they really want to be making) I'm noticing that the marketing is only half the problem.
What's usually happening is two things are getting in the way. Yes, the marketing needs to be tweaked or reworked. Usually, the target audience needs to be narrowed down or changed to a higher level client, and then inevitably, the marketing message needs to become clearer and more compelling. So, we work on that.
But most of the time, it's something MUCH more drastic and destructive. It's what's going on INTERNALLY that's botching your results: THE MINDSET. And I've come to realize that if the INSIDE is not matched to the OUTSIDE, then you won't get the results you want. Period. Here's what I mean:
- There's the OUTER game of Client Attraction: the marketing and the action and the behaviors.
- Then, there's the INNER game of Client Attraction: your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
But here's the kicker: we ALSO look at the stuff under the surface too. When we probe deeper, we realize that one or more things aren't in alignment with her big goal she says she wants:
- The Thought: "I WANT TO MAKE $500,000 this year."
- The Action: SUBTLE SELF-SABOTAGE BEGINS TO HAPPEN, because deep down, Susan wants freedom and ease more than she wants the money. She may not think that consciously, but it's very real on a subconscious level. And that translates into Susan not doing what it takes, not taking the actions or exhibiting the no-excuses behavior that would create a business that brings her that much mo-ney per year.
Essentially, what's happening with Susan is that she's driving with the brake on, and going nowhere fast. So, she steps on the gas pedal even more, but still not getting any results. It's destructive, but most importantly, after a while, there's going to be a shortage of gas and then the whole car will stop moving. She thinks she just wasn't meant to be in business and packs it up to go back to working for someone else, feeling like a big failure and taking a blow to her self-esteem. For Susan to create the 1ncome she wants, all 3 need to match and be congruent.
The Thought must match the Feeling/Belief must match the Action and Behavior. If not, you'll keep struggling, not knowing why it's all so difficult.
It's an insidious game and the worst part of it is, you usually don't know this is going on! Worse, you may not be able to recognize the underlying limiting beliefs, fears and self-doubt that stops your behavior. The solution? Getting really clear on where you're not being congruent.
This is BY FAR, my most effective thing to work on with a client or workshop participant. Why? Because when you change someone's inner states (the INNER game of Client Attraction) you begin to immediately see an increase in their business and in their 1ncome. Quantum Leaps begin to happen and it's as if the vice-grip that's been holding back the success of your business is FINALLY RELEASED. And there's just so much more ease and flow (and financial abundance pours in).
I've seen it time and time again with my clients and Mastermind members. When we clear the GUNK, the mo-ney follows. I know from experience, because it happened to me. In fact, it keeps happening, over and over again. The more I work on my INNER game, the more I make. And it all becomes easier: I work less and make mo-re. That's when you know you're becoming more congruent.
Your Assignment:
If you're feeling like you're working really hard but not seeing RESULTS (either in your number of clients or in your re-venues) then it's time to look at your INNER game of Client Attraction: your mindset. Notice the relationship between your thoughts about your goal, your feelings about achieving your goal and the actions you're taking to reach that goal.
Are they congruent? Are they aligned? If not, then you're going nowhere fast. Not until you get yourself a mindset breakthrough. That's when the marketing breakthrough happens, which results in an 1ncome breakthrough. Once you create those breakthroughs, your business and your life will NEVER be the same. I guarantee it.
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